POWER POINT Presentations |
notes / documents |
Charles Darwin: Biography |
Discussion Notes: Darwin
on "NOTES" tab -
right hand side of presentation
) |
Darwin's The Origin of Species
By Means of Natural Selection
A detailed presentation (with
'notes') of Darwin's theory of Origins, including
misconceptions about the theory, and Darwin's response to common
objections to & difficulties with his theory of Natural Selection.
Discussion Notes: Evolution
on "NOTES" tab -
right hand side of presentation
See Below list of links to
'handout'/supplemental materials for Darwin's The Origin of
Species . . . |
Traveling in Galapagos Islands:
(Suzi's two Adventures)
Why like No Other Place on
Showcasing 13 Islands/Islets
Highlighting Birds, famous Fauna
Islands' influence on Darwin's Origins
Evolution in the Islands |
Discussion Notes for Galapagos
on "NOTES" tab -
right hand side of presentation
) |
Handout / Reference Materials:
The Origin of Species - Chapter 4 summary:
Natural Selection
The Origin of Species - Chapter 5 summary:
Laws of Variation
The Origin of Species - Chapter 8 summary:
The Origin of Species - Chapter 9 summary:
The Origin of Species - Chapter 10 summary:
Imperfection in Geological Record
The Origin of Species - Chapter 11 summary:
Geological Succession of Organic Beings
The Origin of Species - Chapters 12 & 13 summary:
Geographical Distribution
The Origin of Species - Chapter 14 summary:
Mutual Affinities
Evolution: Misconceptions List (These are all covered in the power
point presentation)
Darwin's Biography: A Chart of Important People, Events, Places to
Charles Darwin.
Ranking Darwin's Influence: A list of many surveys from several
sources that rank various aspects of "most important" or "most
influential" people or books in 19th Centurey, or in second Millennium