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Galápagos Birds - Photos by Susan
U.S. Birds Index Birds of Panama Index: PERU Birds Birds of Belize Birds of Galapagos
Birds of Costa Rica Birds of Costa Rica Birds of Ecuador Exotic / ZOO birds Toledo ZOO Aviary
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Index: U.S. - other Birds
Birds of Africa
Birds of Panama
Birds of Costa Rica
Index: PERU Birds
Birds of Belize
Birds of Ecuador
Albatross, Waved
Ani, Smooth-billed
Booby, Blue-footed
Booby, Nazca
Booby, Red-footed
Dove, Eared
Dove, Galápagos
Darwin's Finches:
Large Cactus Finch
Common Cactus Finch
Large Ground Finch
Medium Ground Finch
Small Ground Finch
        Ground Finch

Green Warbler Finch
Gray Warbler Finch
Small Tree Finch
Vegetarian Finch
Flamingo, American
Flycatcher, Galapagos
Frigatebird, Great
Frigatebird, Magnificent
Gull, Lava
Gull, Swallow-tailed
Hawk, Galápagos
Heron, Lava
Heron, Striated
Heron, Yellow-crowned Night-
Galapágos Mockingbirds:
Charles (Floreana) ____Mockingbird
Galápagos Mockingbird
Hood Mockingbird
San Cristobal

Tropical Mockingbird
Noddy, Brown
Owl, Short-eared
Oystercatcher, American
Pelican, Brown
Galapágos Penguin
Petrel, Elliots Storm
Pintail, White-cheeked
Stilt, Black-necked
Tattler, Wandering
Tropicbird, Red-billed
Warbler, Mangrove

Click on a bird to see a larger image

Waved Albatross

Smooth-billed Ani

Blue-footed Booby

Nazca Booby

Red-footed Booby

Eared Dove
(Quito, Ecuador)

Galápagos Dove

American Flamingo

Galapagos Flycatcher

Great Frigatebird

Magnificent Frigatebird

Lava Gull

Swallow-tailed Gull

Galapagos Hawk

Lava Heron

Striated Heron

Yellow-crowned Night-heron

Large Ground Finch

Medium Ground Finch

Small Ground Finch

Large Cactus Finch

Common Cactus Finch

Sharp-beaked Ground Finch

Green Warbler Finch

Gray Warbler Finch

Small Tree Finch

Vegetarian Finch

Charles (Floreana) Mockingbird

Galápagos Mockingbird

Hood Mockingbird

San Cristobal Mockingbird

Tropical Mockingbird

Noddy, Brown

Short-eared Owl

Oystercatcher, American

Galapágos Penguin

Pelican, Brown

Petrel, Elliots Storm 

Pintail, White-cheeked

Stilt, Black-necked

Tattler, Wandering

Tropicbird, Red-billed

Warbler, Mangrove


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