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Index: Birds of Peru - Photos by Susan
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Ani, Greater

Ani, Smooth-billed
Antshrike, Barred
Antshrike, Great
Aracari, Chestnut-eared
Blackbird, Oriole
Blackbird, Yellow-hooded
Booby, Blue-footed
Booby, Peruvian
Cacique, Yellow-rumped
Canastero, Cactus
Caracara, Red-throated
Caracara, Yellow-headed
Chicken, domestic (on a pig!)
Cinclodes, Surf
Cormorant, Guanay
Cormorant, Red-legged
Cowbirds, Giant & Shiny
Cuckoo, Little
Donacobius, Black-capped
Dove, West-Peruvian
Falcon, Bat
Falcon, Laughing
Flycatcher, Fork-tailed
Flycatcher, Vermilion
Fruitcrow, Bare-necked
Grackle, Velvet-fronted
Grebe, Great
Gull, Belcher's
Gull, Franklin's
Gull, Gray-hooded
Gull, Kelp
Hawk, Black-collared
Hawk, Crane
Hawk, Great Black
Hawk, Roadside
Hawk, Variable
Heron, Capped
Heron, Striated
Ibis, Green
Jacamar, White-chinned
Jacamar, White-eared
Jacana, Wattled
Kingbird, Eastern
Kingbird, Tropical
Kingfisher, Ringed
Kiskadee, Lesser
Kite, Plumbious
Miner, Coastal
Mockingbird, Long-tailed
Nighthawk, Sand-colored
Nunbird, Black-fronted
Nunbird, Yellow-billed
Oropendola, Russet-backed
Owl, Burrowing
Owl, Tropical Screech
Oystercatcher, American
Oystercatcher, Blackish
Parakeet, Dusky-headed
Parakeet, Maroon-tailed
Parakeet, White-eyed
Parakeet, White-winged
Paraque, Common
Parrot, Black-headed
Parrot, Short-tailed
Pelican, Peruvian
Penguin, Humboldt
Pintail, White-cheeked
Sandpiper, Spotted
Screamer, Horned
Seedeater, Capueta
Seedsnipe, Least
Skimmer, Black
Spinetail, Red-and-white
Swallow, Southern Rough-winged
Swallow, White-winged
Tanager, Paradise
Tanager, Silver-beaked
Teal, Cinnamon
Tern, Inca
Tern, Large-billed & Yellow-billed Tern
Thick Knee
Toucan, White-throated
Trogon, Black-tailed
Trogon, Green-backed
Troupial, Orange-backed
Tyrant, White-headed Marsh
Vulture, King
Vulture, Lesser Yellow-headed
Woodpecker, Chestnut
Woodpecker, Crimson-crested
Woodpecker, Lineated
Woodpecker, Little
Wood-pewee, Eastern

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Ani, Greater

Ani, Smooth-billed
Antshrike, Barred
Antshrike, Great
Aracari, Chestnut-eared
Blackbird, Oriole
Blackbird, Yellow-hooded
Booby, Blue-footed
Booby, Peruvian
Cacique, Yellow-rumped
Canastero, Cactus
Caracara, Red-throated
Caracara, Yellow-headed
Chicken, domestic (on a pig!)
Cinclodes, Surf
Cormorant, Guanay
Cormorant, Red-legged
Cowbirds, Giant & Shiny
Cuckoo, Little
Donacobius, Black-capped
Dove, West-Peruvian
Falcon, Bat
Falcon, Laughing
Flycatcher, Fork-tailed
Flycatcher, Vermilion
Fruitcrow, Bare-necked
Grackle, Velvet-fronted
Grebe, Great
Gull, Belcher's
Gull, Franklin's
Gull, Gray-hooded
Gull, Kelp
Hawk, Black-collared
Hawk, Crane
Hawk, Great Black
Hawk, Roadside
Hawk, Variable
Heron, Capped
Heron, Striated
Ibis, Green
Jacamar, White-chinned
Jacamar, White-eared
Jacana, Wattled
Kingbird, Eastern
Kingbird, Tropical
Kingfisher, Ringed
Kiskadee, Lesser
Kite, Plumbious
Miner, Coastal
Mockingbird, Long-tailed
Nighthawk, Sand-colored
Nunbird, Black-fronted
Nunbird, Yellow-billed
Oropendola, Russet-backed
Owl, Burrowing
Owl, Tropical Screech
Oystercatcher, American
Oystercatcher, Blackish
Parakeet, Dusky-headed
Parakeet, Maroon-tailed
Parakeet, White-eyed
Parakeet, White-winged
Paraque, Common
Parrot, Black-headed
Parrot, Short-tailed
Pelican, Peruvian
Penguin, Humboldt
Pintail, White-cheeked
Sandpiper, Spotted
Screamer, Horned
Seedeater, Capueta
Seedsnipe, Least
Skimmer, Black
Spinetail, Red-and-white
Swallow, Southern Rough-winged
Swallow, White-winged
Tanager, Paradise
Tanager, Silver-beaked
Teal, Cinnamon
Tern, Inca
Tern, Large-billed & Yellow-billed Tern
Thick Knee
Toucan, White-throated
Trogon, Black-tailed
Trogon, Green-backed
Troupial, Orange-backed
Tyrant, White-headed Marsh
Vulture, King
Vulture, Lesser Yellow-headed
Woodpecker, Chestnut
Woodpecker, Crimson-crested
Woodpecker, Lineated
Woodpecker, Little
Wood-pewee, Eastern

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