Misconceptions about Darwin’s Theory: The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection (Covered in Power Point Presentation)

1.     Evolution is just a theory

2.     Evolution is a theory about the origin of life

3.     Evolution is not science because it is not observable to testable

4.     Evolution means that life changes ‘by chance’

5.     Natural selection involves organisms ‘trying’ to adapt

6.     Natural selection gives organisms what they ‘need’

7.     No missing links have been found in the fossil record

8.     Carbon dating can only go back several thousand years

9.     Evolution is a theory in crisis and is collapsing as scientists lose confidence in it

10. Evolution is like a climb up a ladder of progress; organisms are always getting better

11. Evolution leads to immoral behavior. If children are taught that they are animals, they will behave like animals.

12. [Survival of the fittest:] Evolution supports the idea that ‘might makes right’ and rationalizes the oppression of some people by others

13. Evolution and religion are incompatible

14. Evolution: Teachers should teach ‘both sides’ and let students decide for themselves

15. Evolution is itself ‘religious,’ so requiring teachers to teach evolution violates the First Amendment