Cole's Corner
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Twins, Turf
V-twins-3_small.jpg (1712 bytes)

Rest of Gang

 ** Cole's Corner  pg. 1   (Click on a picture to make it bigger; then back arrow to return)

Mom, brothers Adam & Kevin & G'ma Suzi
October, 2003

Wrestl'n with G'pa Bob

2002 Football

Go Team!

G'pa catches snake

at beach, July 2002

Fighting Darth Vader at Legoland; July '02

The Usual Suspects

My cousin Richard

more football!

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Hello-- My name is Nicholas (Cole)

I'm kind of busy right now.  I'm on a neato water ride at Legoland - July, 2001.  I'm now seven years old (Sept. 01)!!!

You can tell that I have a lot of energy to burn!   Here I am climbing "the wall" at our mall.Cole_Climbing.JPG (67317 bytes)

I was a pretty scary Dracula,
Halloween, 2001

Fall, 2001

All I want for Christmas is  my ONE front tooth  (just Kidding)

My brothers, Kevin and Adam

This is my very good looking family; my Dad, Jim; my Mom, Melissa; my twin brothers - Adam (rt.) and Kevin. (Fall, 2001)

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My Grandpa Bob helped me build a snow fort - Apr. 2001.   Brrrr.

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Grandma Suzi and my Mom drove us from our house in CO to G'ma's house in California.  We stopped at LOTS of McDonalds so we could run around.   (I don't know why Mommy and G'ma thought we needed to do that!)  July, 2001

G'pa Bob caught a snake. (The snake bit his hand, but it is OK - the snake is not poisonous - LUCKY GRANDPA!!)Gpa_sanke.JPG (51318 bytes)

Cole_teeth.JPG (16128 bytes)Here is a mouthful of playdough teeth I made on the trip to Grandma's house. Doug_Mel_Boys.JPG (27423 bytes)Come on aboard Adam, Doug won't mind! (L to R: Adam, Mom, Kevin, me, Uncle Doug underneath!)  July, 2001.

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Sorry, Dad, I will never give up my Teddies!!!

This was when we lived in Florida.  I'm about five years old in this picture.Cole_skateboard.jpg (29997 bytes)

ColeTwins0499.JPG (30015 bytes)Kevin (left), me and Adam; April, 1999.

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Adam (left), me and Kevin; November, 1998.

cole-santa97-b.JPG (51777 bytes) "Daddy, are you sure it is safe to sit on Santa's lap?  He's a little scarry looking!"

cole-santa97.JPG (41662 bytes)  "OK, Santa, here is a (long) list of what I want for Christmas."  (1997)

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"Look Socrates and Shadow, I got a cool truck with cars for Christmas!" (The dogs are very interested, as you can see.)

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"I'm very glad that I have my faithful Teddies.  My Mommy is in the hospital.  She's going to have twin babies any day now.  I sure miss my Mommy.   What are twins?"  (Spr. 1998)

 cole-shad-phone.JPG (41978 bytes)
"Shadow, I need to call my Mom and talk to her. She is very lonely in that hospital."

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"Hi Mommy.  Sharky wants to talk to you too."

cole-ninja.JPG (29856 bytes)   "I'm going to be a Ninja Warrior for Halloween"  (1997)

cole-cooldude.JPG (38886 bytes)  "I'm a pretty cool dude"

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I'm almost four here: Aug. 1998

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"I'm just pretending to be afraid.  These are not real spiders, you know."

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"I'm celebrating my 4th birthday with Grandma and Grandpa.  I'm really into pirates now.  Notice how neat I am with my cupcake!  I'm no little kid any more."


Continuation of Cole's Corner: 

Cole's scrapbook - page 2

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