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Cole's Corner
Twin's Turf
Richard's Place
T-man Travis
Rest of Gang

     ** Brandon's Backyard  (Click on any picture to make bigger)

Brandon, 4
Natasha, 11
G'pa Bob - ??
April, 2003

Boy's Team
Doug (my Dad),
me & G'pa Bob

Girl's Team
Natasha, Erica (Mom)
& G'ma Suzi

Painting Easter Eggs
April, 2003

That's my Dad!

That's my Sister

Feb, 2003

My Dad loved
this picture of
G'pa Bob!

G'pa and I
have birthdays
April, 2002

Our family,
Jan, 2002

Dad takes over
my gift!

Jan, 2002

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Hello there!  I'm BRANDON TAYLOR JAMES (Bob and Suzi's fifth grandson!).  I'm two years old now (April, 2001)

Daddy and me;
Christmas, 2001

I am using
my new tools to open a present; then my
Daddy borrowed my tools.  (He was not
satisfied just to have his own new tools!)

Then, guess what:  Grandpa (Tool-Man Bob) also had to borrow my tools.
Oct. 2001         
Natasha, my  sister, and me: Oct., 2001

I helped Daddy blow out the candles on his cake

G'ma Suzi, Daddy
and Mommy.  Dec. 2001  

I am worried that Chomper will eat that
little truck.

My cousin, Richard,
is helping me put
together Tigger's Treehouse

Christmas, 2001

Richard is playing "Frogger"
with my sister, Natasha

This is me with my beautiful Mommy, Erica, and my handsome Daddy, Doug!

Brandon_Doug_Erica.jpg (32257 bytes)

Natasha_0701.JPG (58157 bytes)This is my very cute sister, Natasha.  She is nine years old. She is riding a horse at Legoland - a very cool place to have fun!

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My Dad is the big dude, and these are my cousins Cole, Kevin and Adam.  July, '01

Doug_kidsTrain.JPG (29785 bytes)Who is having the most fun? The big guy or the little ones?  I'm next to Dad and we are with Kevin and Adam at Legoland.
This was my favorite thing to do at Legoland - I love that horsie!!

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My Wild & Crazy Dad BBQs on Fathers' Day, 2001.

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My Mommy & I just watched while he cooked.  He was acting very strange!

This was me at 6 months.  I was a cute baby!

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I was born on April 3, 1999, at 20 1/2 inches long and
weighing 10 pounds 9 ounzes (I know, that's BIG!!)

Brandon_18a.jpg (15612 bytes)Of course, Grandma Suzi wants to hold me a lot (Grandmas are like that!).

Brandon_16a.jpg (18935 bytes)That's my Dad, Doug, holding me.

My Dad is a handsome dude!
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(at least that is what my Grandma thinks!)

Coloring Easter Eggs!!dugest97.jpg (42290 bytes)dugegg97.jpg (21645 bytes)This is the egg Grandpa made which is supposed to look like my Dad when he turns forty.  ("I don't think so, Grandpa!")

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