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Twins' Turf
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 ** Richard's Place  (click any picture to make bigger; then back arrow to return)

Christmas, 2002

Feb 2002
13th Birthday!

My new skateboard

My cousin Cole
July, 2002

Playing football
w/G'pa Fleck


Hello! My name is Richard Villa. I'm 12 years old.

Christmas, 2001: I'm helping cousin Brandon put together Tigger's Treehouse.

Brandon's sister, Natasha, and I
-playing "Frogger" on the computer

RichFootball1098.JPG (136306 bytes)

As you can see, I love sports.  Richard_hockey.jpg (29567 bytes)



rich-baseball97.JPG (46937 bytes) Summer, 1997

rich-pumpkins97.JPG (25898 bytes)October, 1997.  G'pa Fleck and Suzi and I have carved many pumpkins!!

G'pa and I are putting together a (46424 bytes)

rich7yrs.jpg (28980 bytes)

Here I am on my 7th birthday (Feb. 1997).

ricegg97.jpg (33563 bytes)My Grandpa made an Easter Egg to look like what I am supposed to look like when I am twenty years old.  ("I don't think so, Grandpa.") ricdol97.jpg (9445 bytes)This is my Mom, Dollynda.

This is my Mom in December, 1996  doldec97.jpg (37977 bytes)

I am only 3 years old in this picture

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