Cole, Melissa & Jim !!

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December '97 fwd.

Twins, Turf
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 ** Cole's Corner   (Click on a picture to make it bigger; then back arrow to return)


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You will have to excuse my Grandma!  Like most Grandma's she dotes on us grandkids . . . you know, she thinks we are the cutest, brightest, cleverest, etc.   ANYWAY, my name is Cole.  I was born on September 23, 1994
Here I'm about 11 months  

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My Uncle Doug sure stacks blocks funny!  Maybe someone put something in my milk, and they just look weird.

I'm really not shy, but I must appear that way for my first birthday!
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colslide.jpg (27942 bytes)Not only can I walk now, but I can walk down slides !!

colapr96.jpg (31717 bytes)My Grandma bought me a lot of hot wheels and a case for them too.

I'm glad my Mommy came home from her trip. This is a very interesting book!

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My Grandma's bird, Dusty, does not want to sit on my head.   I wonder why not?

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These glasses are making me dizzy . . .

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"Whoa .. Dad, you better stay close, this horse may get away from me."

colpeng1.jpg (23878 bytes)     Yes, I'm a Penguin for Halloween . . .and yes, I ate too much candy!

coldrums.jpg (26380 bytes)  "Mom and Dad, I promise not to make too much noise if you just buy me this drum set."

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"Yes, Mommy, I will wash my hands when I am done painting.  I am a good artist!"

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"Daddy, your hat is much nicer than mine; you don't mind if I switch do you?  This is fun up here!"

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I think I have died and gone to ball heaven.

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I'm getting pretty big now. This is June, 1997 - I'm almost three years old here.

Grandma and Grandpa got me a new bike - "whee  eee eee"  colbike1.jpg (38822 bytes)

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"Tickle ME, Elmo."  This was when we visited Sesame Street Place - Summer, '97.



Continuation of Cole's Corner: 

Cole's scrapbook - page 1

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