Birds of CUBA Index
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- Photos by Susan Fleck
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Cuban Blackbird

Tawny-shouldered Blackbird

Crested Caracara

Cowbird, Shiny

Cuban Crow

Palm Crow

Great Lizard Cuckoo

Blue-headed Quail-dove

Zenaida Dove

Dunlin (in front)

Cattle Egret

Reddish Egret

Snowy Egret

Cuban Emerald

American Flamingo

Fernandina's Flicker

La Sagra's Flycatcher

Magnificent Frigatebird

Greater Antillean Grackle

Cuban Grassquit

Yellow-faced Grassquit

Cuban Black Hawk

Tricolored Heron

Bee Hummingbird

White Ibis (juvenile)

Northern Jacana

Cuban American Kestrel


Gray Kingbird

Loggerhead Kingbird

Cuban Martin

Northern Mockingbird

Antillean Nighthawk

Cuban Oriole


Cuban Pygmy Owl

Stygian Owl

Cuban Parakeet

Cuban Parrot

Cuban Pewee

Scaly-naped Pigeon

White-crowned Pigeon

Semipalmated Plover

Clapper Rail

House Sparrow

Zapata Sparrow

Western Spindalis

Roseate Spoonbill

Black-necked Stilt

Red-legged Thrush

Cuban Tody

Cuban Trogon

Domestic Turkey

Black-whiskered Vireo

Turkey Vulture

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Cape May Warbler

Olive-capped Warbler

Oriente Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Yellow-headed Warbler

Cuban Green Woodpecker

West Indian Woodpecker

Zapata Wren



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