Alaska - Eklutna Historical Park
Denali Kenai Fjords Eagle &
Potter Marsh
Scenic Hwy,

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Eklutna Historical Park entrance

the newer (built 1954 - 1962)
St. Nicholas (Russian)Orhdox  Church

the handyman wielding the power-drill is also
the Priest for this church

inside the church. This is a fully functional church with Vespers and Matins on Saturday eve and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. Note: no seats - Orthodox Christians stand for the services, showing reverence to Christ

The old St. Nicholas Church was built around 1870's; one of the oldest log structures in the Anchorage area. It was built by the Eklutna Indians under the supervision of the missionaries.
The Eklutna residents have preserved the old chapel as an historic building.

Icons in this old church date back as far as 200 years ago.

Graveyard: spirit houses are placed over the grave 40 days after the burial to house the spirit of the deceased and their possessions. The colors of the houses are specific to the families.

the Three-Barred Cross existed early in Byzantium - it was adopted by the Russian Orthodox Church. Upper arm represents the inscription over Christ's head, "This s Jesus King f the Jews." Long middle bar for the arms outstretched, and the lower slanting bar represents His footrest. The slanted position is twofold; 1) it shows that not only was Christ fully God but that He was fully human and felt pain and agony when he died, wrenching the bar by drawing one foot up and thrusting one foot down; 2) the spiritual is that the thief on the right side of Christ confessed Him, so he went to heaven - and the thief on Christ's left side did not confess him so he went to Hell - so the significance of the slanted bar is to always remember to confess Christ.

Some examples of spirit houses




-- Information above provided by fact sheet handed out at the Historical Park

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