Alaska - Kenai Fjords Cruise
Denali Kenai Fjords Eagle &
Potter Marsh
Scenic Hwy,

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Seward Boat Harbor:
clouds, wind, and cold weather indicate it will be a 'rough' ride ahead (but still well worth it)!!!

Dolly, waiting to board

eagle lifeguard? . . on way out of harbor

This fishing guy is on his way back in, with company following

At the tip of the Kenai Peninsula lies a land where the ice age still lingers. In Kenai Fjords, glaciers, earthquakes, and ocean storms are the architects. Ice worms, bears and whales make their home in this land of constant change. Native Alutiiq used these resources to nurture a life entwined with the sea. *

. . . many caves and coves in these waters

Travis, Dolly and Suzi. Can you tell which two live in Alaska, and who is from Florida?

Harbor Seal:
Only a wrinkling or opening in the skin denotes external ears. The fore flippers are small and placed far forward with five long, clawed digits. The longer hind flippers are used for locomotion under water but cannot be turned forward as with sea lions. Harbor seals wriggle and hunch to travel on land. Because this is laborious, they will roll or slide whenever possible. The average adult found in Alaska waters is just over five feet in length and weighs about 190 pounds. *

Harbor seals wriggle and hunch to travel on land. Because this is laborious, they will roll or slide whenever possible. *

Pacific harbor seals are opportunistic, eating a variety of schooling fish, bottom fish, crustaceans, and squid. They consume up to eight percent of their body weight in food per day. The ice flows from the tidewater glaciers and sharp drop-offs from rocky shores of the surrounding fjords offer access to various prey items and refuge from predation by marine predators. Low profile on the water makes them less visible to terrestrial predators. *

Steller Sea Lions
Female sea lions average seven feet in length and about 600 pounds. Male sea lions, slightly longer at nine feet, weigh more than twice as much as females at an average of 1,500 pounds with “beach masters” reaching up to 2,400 pounds. Steller sea lions do not migrate, but individuals disperse widely outside of breeding season. *

"Hey gull, please wake me if you see any danger"

Steller Sea Lions are branded to observe as they wean, mature, travel and return to breed in a rookery. Their numbers decreased rapidly in the late 1980s.

Dall porpoises were darting rapidly criss-crossing the bow of the ship - they can travl up to 50 miles-per-hour - which is why I did not get a picture of one, other than the splashing!!

Glaucous Winged Gull
(I can't believe I travelled all the way to Alaska and am photographing a gull!  But this is different from gulls in Florida, so it is a good thing. Besides, he is posing so nicely for me.)

Abstract Art, achieved when using a long telephoto lens while standing on a boat rocking in five-foot swells, on a windy and rainy day!!



Kenai Fjords National Park sits at the edge of the North Pacific Ocean, where storm patterns develop and feed a land of ice. The Harding Icefield crowns the park and is the source of at least 38 glaciers that flow over the land sculpting as they go. These gigantic rivers of ice have shaped the terrain and are now receding to reveal their work. *

The Harding Icefield accumulates 400-800 inches of snow each year. It takes between
30-50 years for that snow to compress into glacial ice.*


brrrr . . .
do they know there is ice all around them?

Travis and Jeff


sooooo cute!!
Sea otters are the largest members of the weasel family, and are related to skunks, wolverines, weasels, badgers, martens, and minks.
Though they can dive to depths of 250 feet and more, they usually dive between five and 60 feet in search of food. Their diet includes clams, mussels, crabs, and sea urchins. Otter teeth are well designed for a diet of shellfish because the lower front teeth act as a scoop for cleaning out shells, while flat, sturdy molars crush the shells of most prey species. A tough shell presents no problem for a sea otter and they will use rocks as tools to open up a difficult shell.*


The sea otter lacks the blubber, and consequently size, that all other warm-blooded sea animals need to stay warm. In place of blubber, sea otters have a dense coat of luxuriously soft fur. Made up of a dark brown underfur with sparse guard hairs of lighter brown or silver color, the sea otter’s coat consists of 600,000 to 1,000,000 hairs per square inch and must be kept immaculately clean to keep the animal warm. *
(I want to know who counted these hairs!)

* - source of info about Kenai Fjords National Park

. . . next stop, Potter Marsh . . . .

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